A proud parrot approached an eagle and said to him.

"I can fly high above the tallest trees in the world. How high can you fly? "

The eagle said.

"Well, I’m not really a good flyer, so I can hardly reach the tallest trees"

The parrot laughed.

"Oh, how embarrassing... I can’t believe I fly higher than most birds in the kingdom. I’m so lucky" he bragged.

"You are truly blessed" the eagle exclaimed.

The next day, the parrot approached the eagle again and said to him.

"If I teach you how to fly high, so you can reach the tallest trees just like me? "

"That’s amazing. Please do" the eagle whistled.

Then the eagle went along with the parrot and both started flying while the parrot demonstrated. But the parrot was completely amazed as the eagle flew and flew with power, high to the point of invincibility. The parrot couldn’t believe his eyes.

When the eagle finally landed, the parrot, full of regret and shame, was asked.

"You’re a genius. Why didn’t you tell me from the beginning? "

The eagle smiled, then said.

"That’s the difference between an eagle and a parrot. I’m an eagle and I don’t talk much. I don’t brag, I just know my worth and I believe in it. I am known for my strength and ability to fly at heights above the sky. Are you surprised yet? Yes, I am the only bird who will fly above the storm clouds... When other birds find shelter from the rain, I avoid the rain by flying above the clouds. I can move extremely high where the air is much thinner, then I move more oxygen through my body by pushing extra blood into my bloodstream with each heartbeat"

Don’t be a talkative parrot who brags a lot. Be humble and silent like the eagle. Don’t waste your time trying to prove your worth to anyone. Time will prove you, who you are and what you can become.