“The opportunity of mutual generation” can be called a concept of “cause and effect”. When we sow a good seed with a good mindset, spirit, and attitude, we will reap good fruits after a process of effort, perseverance, and hard work.
The opportunity of mutual generation means that when we strive for positive values, focus on doing something, meeting someone with positive energy, good intentions, and a peaceful mindset… from these things, we will resonate and generate new opportunities, new people, from which opportunities will generate more opportunities, development will generate more development… just like wisdom: “we understand these things, then we will understand many other things, and our understanding will continue to grow”. From the wisdom of knowledge, we create new doors, new worlds, new opportunities, new environments, new things… the new creates more new, the new people create more new people. This is also called “Mutual generation”, one thing gives birth to another.
“The opportunity of mutual generation” is no different from a married couple, when they merge into one, they will give birth to children, whether their children will develop well or not depends on many factors… the most important factor is always striving for positive values!.
“The opportunity of mutual generation” is not a miracle, it is not deified, it is not impermanent, it is not ignorant, it is not illusory, it is not dreamy… but it is a form of scientific law that acts like physical action, no different from us throwing a stone into a pond, at that moment, the water is also interacted with the force of gravity, velocity… of the stone against the pond.
In our lives as well. When our minds, thoughts, ideas, thoughts, gestures, instincts, consciousness, awareness, perception, wisdom, and understanding… interact with a certain value, we will receive a similar value to what we have, what we give up, what we understand about that value.
“The opportunity of mutual generation” in a state of positive or negative energy depends on factors from the person interacting with the worldview inside and outside, invisible and tangible, direct and indirect. When we interact with negative energy more than positive energy, it is certain that what we receive is only negative. Negative will generate more negative, and if it is a negative world, we will find it difficult to change our destiny, circumstances, environment, life… until we have to become completely positive.
“The opportunity of mutual generation” is interaction, resonance, mutual generation, what is generated will create those opportunities, it is certain that opportunities that are not in the category of “Mutual generation” from us will not come to us.
It is no different from “when we have the Mind of greed, it is certain that we will do something bad to satisfy that greedy Mind of ours. When we have the Mind of benevolence, it is certain that we will be generous and give”.
“The opportunity of mutual generation” is a form that belongs to the category of “Cause and effect” in spirituality, instead of not saying that it is “cause and effect”, it is called “The opportunity of mutual generation”. Because “The opportunity of mutual generation” is a concept that is “lifelike” and can also encompass a form of “law of attraction” in the West. “Cause and effect” is a concept of specialized language about abstract spirituality, which is difficult to imagine if one does not truly understand the Way. But it is popularized in society at all levels, everyone can name it, but not everyone can define it thoroughly. They see something that they don’t know whether it’s good or bad, and they immediately call it “Cause and effect”. If you ask them carefully what “Cause and effect” is? Maybe they will tell you: “Cause and effect is to sow what kind of seed, you will reap what kind of fruit, to do evil will meet evil fruit”, just that, or if you ask deeper, they will give a series of views, arguments that are endless!.
“The opportunity of mutual generation” can create celebrities, great people, talents of society, of the world in all ages. No matter what environment, what class, what society, what country, what culture, what religion he is in… he can still create special, different things. He can also be a great person!
Because they have reached the highest state of “The opportunity of mutual generation” is to generate more opportunities, greater development, greater…
Success generates success, sustainability generates sustainability, development generates more development.
“From first grade to after college… like a green sprout that grows to tens of meters high”.
That is called the opportunity of mutual generation.
Principle: Winston Man