The eagle symbolizes vision, allowing us to see beyond, fly high, reach high to see the whole picture, the ability to observe every detail.

The ability to create new realities from the mind from a higher vision and expanded consciousness.

The power of the outer vision nourishes and provides information for the inner vision, seeing things from all angles and perspectives, always seeking and seeing the best in everything, in the best ability.

We are all servants of the planet, as we evolve and heal personal wounds, light and love will expand collectively, we unite, individual consciousness is projected into global consciousness, remember that "We are all one with the earth."

Continuing to move forward on the path of evolution is the way to contribute to the grand dream of the cosmic plan.

Eagle energy allows us to spread our wings and soar, trust in ourselves to pursue our visions and turn dreams into reality, explore and analyze new perspectives from an expanded view, connect with our intuition. Freedom and confidence flow in every moment to create all that brings us joy and satisfaction.

Trust in yourself, in your dreams and visions!.

Light, Magic and Love!

Yellow Electric Star-Gastón